very well

very well

1. probably Stress could very well have triggered her heart attack. The robber might very well have been in the house when the police arrived.
2. clearly The little boy knew very well that the neighbors didn't like his father.
See also: very, well

very well

1. Exceedingly healthy, as in How are you?-Very well, thank you.
2. Extremely skillfully or properly, as in He manages that sailboat very well.
3. All right, I agree to, as in Will you take her hand?-Very well, but only to cross the street. Also see all very well.
See also: very, well

Common Names:

MadysonMAD-i-sənEnglish (Modern)
Marcelinomahr-the-LEE-no (Spanish), mahr-se-LEE-no (Latin American Spanish)Spanish, Portuguese
Aglaea-Greek Mythology (Latinized)