vote with feet

vote with one's feet

Fig. to express one's dissatisfaction with something by leaving, especially by walking away. I think that the play is a total flop. Most of the audience voted with its feet during the second act. I am prepared to vote with my feet if the meeting appears to be a waste of time.
See also: feet, vote

vote with your feet

to show that you do not support something, especially an organization or a product, by not using or not buying it any more Parents are voting with their feet and moving their children to schools where there is better discipline.
See also: feet, vote

vote with (one's) feet

To indicate a preference or an opinion by leaving or entering a particular locale: "If older cities are allowed to decay and contract, can citizens who vote with their feet ... hope to find better conditions anywhere else?" (Melinda Beck).
See also: feet, vote

Common Names:

Torborg-Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
Nita (2)-Native American, Choctaw
Yash-Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Kannada