wake up on the wrong side of (the) bed

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wake up on the wrong side of (the) bed

To be in a particularly and persistently irritable, unhappy, or grouchy mood or state, especially when it is not in line with one's normal disposition. I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier, I think I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Jeez, the boss has been in a really bad mood all day. I guess he must have woken up on the wrong side of bed!
See also: bed, of, on, side, up, wake, wrong

Common Names:

Harish-Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam
Petronela-Romanian, Slovak, Polish
Morgan (2)-Arthurian Romance
Agathea-GAHT (French), ah-GAH-tə (German), ah-gah-te (Ancient Greek)French, German, Norwegian, Danish, Greek, Ancient Greek