wrote the book on

wrote the book on something

Fig. to be very authoritative about something; to know enough about something to write the definitive book on it. (Always in past tense.) Ted wrote the book on unemployment. He's been looking for work in three states for two years. Do I know about misery? I wrote the book on misery!
See also: book, on, wrote

wrote the book on

Knows nearly everything about, as in Ask Dr. Lock; he wrote the book on pediatric cardiology, or I wrote the book on job-hunting; I've been looking for two years. This expression is always put in the past tense. [Colloquial; second half of 1900s]
See also: book, on, wrote

Common Names:

Vaso-Greek, Georgian, Serbian
Theotimos-Ancient Greek
Emperatrizem-pe-rah-TREETH (Spanish), em-pe-rah-TREES (Latin American Spanish)Spanish