Abbreviation Definition
ARISAdvanced Research Investment Solutions
ASIFAsian Securities and Investments Federation
ASIPAfghan Support and Investment Program
ASIPAgricultural Sector Investment Program
ASISAAssociation for Savings and Investment South Africa
ATARIAttitude Trigger Action Reward Investment
ATBAAreas To Be Avoided
ATICAdvanced Technology Investment Company
ATIPActual Thrift Investment Percentage
ATIPAtlantic Trade And Investment Partnership
AUDIAnother Underwhelming Disney Investment
AWIAAlabama Workforce Investment Area
AWIBAlaska Workforce Investment Board
AWICAlgoma Workforce Investment Corporation
BASICBoston Area Sustainable Investment Consortium
BATICBuild America Transportation Investment Center
BBABalanced Budget Amendment
BBICBlack Business Investment Corp
BBICBlack Business Investment Corporation
BCIBritish Columbia Investment

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