Abbreviation Definition
FDISKPartition a Fixed DISK
FINDFind within a file
FORa Batch command that opens a loop
GOTOan unconditional branch in a Batch file
GRAFTABLMake GRaphics TABLe with characters higher than ASCII 127
GRAPHICSPass Graphics from screen to printer
IFConditional Batch file command
INa Batch command intended to precede a [set] argument
JOINJOIN drive to subdirectory of another drive
KEYBload Foreign KEYBoard code page
KEYBxxload Foreign Keyboard Code Page for non-US keyboard
MDMake a new Subdiretory
MEMMEMory - to display memory allocation and available
MKDIRMaKe a DIRectory
MODEset device Mode
MOREDisplay MORE data
MOREdisplay one screenful of data at a time
MSCMicrosoft System Configurations
NLSFUNCNational Language Support Function

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