Abbreviation Definition
ATHEAwards for Training Higher Education
AVMAAustralian Video Music Awards
AVSMAthi Vishisht Seva Medal
AVSMAti Vishisht Seva Medal
AVUAArmy Valorous Unit Award
AWACMArchbishop of Wales Award for Church Music
AWAREArlington Will Award and Recognize Educational
AWAREArlington Will Award and Recognize Educational accomplishments
AWDAAiap Women in Design Award
AWERAmericans win exceptional rewards:
AWLAward Winning Listener
AYMAwards for Young Musicians
BAAPBayside Acquisitive Art Prize
BACBids and Awards Committee
BACBids Awards Committee
BAEABerger Award for Excellence in Architecture
BAFTABritish Awards For Talented Actors
BAGUSBPMB Award of Group Undergraduate Scholarship

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