Abbreviation Definition
ACCAll Cupcake Conference
ACCAllegedly Competitive Conference
ACCAlways Consider Cheating
ACCAmateur Campus Conference
ACCAnother Crappy Call
ACCAssociation of Cheesy Colleges
ACCAtlanta's Chosen Conference
ACCOUNTAlways Consider Cheating On Unexpected Nasty Tests
ACEA Crappy Effort
ACFAA Crazy Freaky Animal
ACKA Continual Kvetch
ACKA Cursed Keyboard
ACLAnother Classless Laker
ACLSAdvanced Cow Life Support
ACLUA Clump Of Losers United
ACLUA Commie Liberal Union
ACLUAberrant, Calculating, Litigious, Underbred
ACLUAll Communist Loonies United
ACLUAll Communists Love Us
ACLUAll Crazy Liberals United

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