Abbreviation Definition
UEFUnidentified Energy Factor
UESACUPPSALA ESO Survey of Asteroids and Comets
UFOUnidentified Flying Object
UGCUpsala General Catalog
UGSSU Gem variable type star (SS Cygnus subtype)
UGWZU Gem variable type star (WZ Sagittae sub-type)
UGZU Gem variable type star (Z Camelopardalis subtype)
UHTCUltra High Transmission Coatings
UKSAUnited Kingdom Space Agency
ULDUltra-wide Low- Distortion lens
ULYSSESUltraviolet LibrarY of Spectra for Star-forming Environments
UMPUltra Metal-Poor
UMUExtravehicular Mobility Unit
UNICELLARUtilitarian Nuclear Isotopian Crude Extrusion Liquid Lateral Adobe Reality
UROUnidentified Red Object
URPUranian Ring Plane
URPXUranian Ring Plane Crossing
USSUnusual Star Shape
UVOTUltraviolet Optical Telescope
UV-VISUltraviolet - Visible

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