Abbreviation Definition
CCBBCenter for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
CCBBCenter for Computational Biology Bioinformatics
CCBICambridge Computational Biology Institute
CCBLCAPS Computational Biology Laboratory
CCBLCorneal Cell Biology Laboratory
CCBNChemistry and Computational Biology of the Niche
CCBSCenter for Complex Biological Systems
CCBTCentre for Chemical Biology and Therapeutics
CCCBCenter for Cancer Computational Biology
CCDColony Collapse Disorder (speaking of bees)
CCDColony Collapse Disorder(speaking of bees)
CCIBCenter for Computational and Integrative Biology
CCIDCell Culture Infectious Dose
CCL4Chemokine (C-C motif) Ligand 4
CCMBCenter for Computational Molecular Biology
CCMBCentre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
CCMBCentre for Cellular Molecular Biology
CCMBCharacterization Center for Materials and Biology
CCRMCentre for the Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine (Toronto)
CCSBCenter for Cancer Systems Biology

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