Abbreviation Definition
MERPMoose Evolved River Pants
MESBMolecular and Evolutionary Systems Biology
MFBMarine and Freshwater Biology
MFBMarine Freshwater Biology
MGCBMolecular Genetics and Cell Biology
MGCBMolecular Genetics Cell Biology
MGSGMethylene Glycol Sulfite Gluconolactone
MHMan Head
MHNCMusée d'Histoire NaturelleaLa Chaux-de-Fonds
MIBBIMinimum Information for Biological and Biomedical Investigations
MICBManitoba Institute of Cell Biology
MIFABMillennium Institute for Fundamental and Applied Biology (Chile)
MIIDMicrobiology Immunology and Infectious Diseases
MILCAMatrix-induced Liver Cell Aggregates
MIPMMicrobiology Immunology And Preventative Medicine
MIPMMicrobiology Immunology And Preventitive Medicine
miRNAmicro RNA
MITCHELLMy Iguana Thomas Chooses Hay Ending Lake Lurie
MLBSMountain Lake Biological Station
MLCBmachine learning and computational biology

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