Abbreviation Definition
ELAEducation Literacy and Art
ELALiteracy Assessments
ELAPEnglish Literacy Alternative Program
ELATEarly Literacy Assessment Tool
ELCLExotic Literature Common Literature
ELDEnglish Literacy Development
ELHIEducation Literacy Health and Inspiration
ELIAEducation Literacy and Independence for All
ELLIEarly Language and Literacy Initiative
ELLPEarly Language and Literacy Plan
ELNEuropean Literacy Network
ENCLSEuropean Network for Comparative Literary Studies
EOTEEasy on the Eyes
EOTEEnds of the Earth
ESFLPEven Start Family Literacy Partnership
ETLCEast Texas Literacy Council
EWLPExperimental World Literacy Programme
FALPFunctional Adult Literacy Program
FALPFunctional Adult Literacy Programme
FCCForeign Correspondance Club

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