Abbreviation Definition
C2ECommitment to Excellence
C3DMECenter for Digital Media, Digital Marketing & Digital Management Education
CAClassified Advertizing
CADMChicago Association of Direct Marketing
CAMAColumbus Arts Marketing Association
CAMYCenter for Alcohol Marketing and Youth
CAMYCenter on Alcohol Marketing and Youth
CAPCustomer Availability Program
CAPSComputer-Aided Product Selection
CASHCome And Save Here
CBMCity's Best Marketing
CBMDCentre for Bhartiya Marketing Development
CBPMCommunity Based Prevention Marketing
CCAASCustomer Care As A Service
CCMEColorado Creative Marketing Exchange
CCMOChief Communications and Marketing Officer
CCMPCertified Construction Marketing Professional
CECPCustomer Engagement Compliance Professional
CEFMCutting Edge Fashion Marketing
CEMCertified Endorsement Management

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