Abbreviation Definition
EPASElectronic Patent Assignment System
EPLAEuropean Patent Litigation Agreement
EPOEuropean Patent Organisation
EPOREuropean Patent Office Reports
ETASElectronic Trademark Assignment System
ETASEmelectronic Trademark Assignment System
FPASForeign Patent Access System
FTDAFederal Trademark Dilution Act
FTPLFix the Patent Laws
GADPTRAGeneric Animal Drug and Patent Term Restoration Act
GADPTRAGeneric Animal Drug Patent Term Restoration Act
GLOPEGeneral Land Office Patent Easement
GMPIGeneral and Mechanical Patents Index
GNIBelgooG toN s'tI esuaceB
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GPDCGlobal Patent Data Coverage
GPTOGerman Patent and Trademark Office
GTPGlobal Trademarks Patents
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