Abbreviation Definition
FFIAFamiljeforeningen For Internationell Adoption
FFTAForever Families Through Adoption
FGFoster Grant
FGAFoster Griffith and Allen
FGPFoster Grandparent Program
FGPFoster Grandparents Program
FGTFoster Greer and Thorbecke
FGTFoster Greer Thorbecke
FGTFostering Geometric Thinking
FHFFostering Healthy Futures
FHIFostering Hope Initiative
FHIFFoster's Home for Imaginary Friends
FHLFoster Health Link
FIINFostering Interest In Nature
FIRSTFostering Integrated Responsive Science Teaching
FKFoster Kids
FLOATFostering Longevity Of Adjusting Teams
FOCUSFostering Opportunity Cultivating Unparalleled Success
FOFCFriends Of Foster Children
FPACFoster Parent Advisory Council

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