Abbreviation Definition
LEOSLeadership Education Opportunity and Service
LEOSLeadership Effective Organized Service
LEOSLeadership Experience Opportunity and Service
LEOSLeadership Experience Opportunity Service
LEOSLeadership Experience Opportunity These
LEPLeadership Empowerment Program
LETDLeadership Education Talent Development
LEVELLive Entertainment Venue Excellence Leadership
LFAFLeadership for a Future
LFCLeadership for Change
LFHELeadership Foundation for Higher Education
LFILeadership Fairfax Institute
LFMLLocal Fire Management Leadership
LFPLeadership Fellows Program
LFTFLeadership For The Future
LGASLeadership Growth Assessment Store
LGCLeadership Greater Chicago
LGHLeadership Greater Hartford
LGMLeadership Greater Madison
LGMSLeadership Governance and Management Systems

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