Abbreviation Definition
DETEDepartment of Enterprise Trade and Employment
DETLDisqualified Employment Tax Levy
DETODomestic Employee Teleworking Overseas
DETODomestic Employees Teleworking Overseas
DETRDepartment of Employment Training and Rehabilitation
DEWDepartment of Employment and Workforce
DEWDDepartment of Economic and Workforce Development
DEWSDivision of Employment and Workforce Solutions
DFCDesired Future Conditions
DFECDivision of Federal Employees Compensation
DFEEDepartment For Education And Employment
DFEEDepartment For Employment And Education
DFEHDepartment of Fair Employment and Housing
DFEHDepartment of Fair Employment Housing
DFEHDepartment of Fair Employment of Housing
DGETDirector General of Employment and Training
DGETDirectorate General of Employment and Training
DGETDirectorate General of Employment Training
DL#Driver License Number
DMDanger Money

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