Abbreviation Definition
CAMDCoalition Against Major Diseases
CAODCarotid Artery Occlusive Disease
CAPSCryopyrin Associated Periodic Syndrome
CARATControl of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test
CAVDCalcific Aortic Valve Disease
CBDCChronic bullous disease of childhood
CBIDChemical Biology of Infectious Diseases
CBJDCenter for Bone and Joint Disease
CBSDCassava Brown Streak Disease
CBSIsCandida BloodStream Infections
CBSIsCentral lineassociated Bloodstream Infections
CBSIsCentral line–associated Bloodstream Infections
CCCommon Complaints
CCAOColorado Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis
CCDCCanadian Communicable Disease Center
CCDCChinese Center for Disease Control
CCDDCenter for Communicable Disease Dynamics
CCDGCenter for Common Disease Genomics
CCDGCenters for Common Disease Genomics
CCDMCentre for Crop and Disease Management

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