Abbreviation Definition
BPBase Pair
BRAVOBiomedical Research Abroad Vistas Open
BRCBrain Reward Circuitry
BRGPBrassica Rapa Genome Project
BS/SCFBiological Sequence/Structure Computational Facility
BSCSBiological Sciences Curriculum Study
BSGCBerkeley Structural Genomics Center
BSRCBioinformatics Shared Resource Core
BTCIBioPharmaceutical Technology Center Institute
BTFBasic Transcription Factor
BTPBiotechnology Training Programs
BUGBuilding Upon the Genome
BVGBordetella virulence genes
C3-C4Complement components
CAECapillary Array Electrophoresis
CAFCCobblestone Area Forming Cell
CAGCytosine, Adenine, and Guanine
CAGICritical Assessment of Genome Interpretation

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