Abbreviation Definition
AAAAnything Anywhere Anytime
AAAArmy Army Army
AAAAthlon Addicts Anonymous
AAAAwful, Agonizing, and Aggravating
AAAAAffiliated Americans Against Acronyms
AAAAAmericans Against Acronym Abuse
AAAAAAmerican Association Against Acronym Abuse
AAAAAAmerican Association for Awesomely Annoying Abbreviations
AAAAAAmerican Association for the Abolition of Abbreviations and Acronyms
AAAAAAssociation of Absolute Apologists Alfons Alle
AAAAAAAmazingly Anguishing Allowances Allowing Atrocious Anime
AAAAAAAAll American Association Against Acronym Abuse Anonymous
AAAAAAAAAAll American Association Against Acronym And Abbreviation Abuse Anonymous
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAll Asian, African, American, And Australian Association Against Acronym And Abbreviation Abuse Anonymous
AAADKTDAAn Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away??
AAAGAgainst Annoying Animated Gifs
AAATAll Asians Are Tasty
AABAcronyms Are Bollocks
AABAlways A Bridesmaid
AABCAbsolute Anime of Broward County

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