Abbreviation Definition
ACAAwfully Clever Accountant
ACAFAdvanced Certificate in Accounting and Finance
ACAFAdvanced Certificate in Accounting Finance
ACANAccountants Confidential Assistance Network
ACAPAccounting Career Awareness Program
ACAPRMAsocia??ia Contabililor ??i Auditorilor Profesioni??ti din Republica Moldova
ACAPRMAsociacia Contabililor _i Auditorilor Profesioni_ti din Republica Moldova
ACAPRMAsociatia Contabililor si Auditorilor Profesionisti din Republica Moldova
ACASApplewood Computers Accounting System
ACATAccreditation Council for Accountancy and Taxation
ACATAssociation of Church Accountants and Treasurers
ACATAutomated Customer Account Transfer
ACATSAutomated Customer Account Transfer Service
ACATSAutomated Customer Account Transfer System
ACAUSAssociation of Chartered Accountants in the United States
ACAUSAssociation of Chartered Accountants in the US
ACBAssociation of Certified Book-Keepers
ACBAutomated Clearing Bureau
ACCAA Crap Chartered Accountant
ACCAAmazing Certified Cool Accountant

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