

1. n. something suddenly remembered; something suddenly thought of. I had a flash and quickly wrote it down.
2. n. a very short period of time; an instant. (see also in a flash.) I’ll be there in a flash.
3. tv. to display something briefly. You’d better not flash a wad like that around here. You won’t have it long.
4. in. to display one’s private parts briefly. She flashed briefly, providing the show that people came to see, and left the stage.
5. n. a drink of liquor. Here, have a little flash, and let’s chat a little longer.

Common Names:

Andrea (1)ahn-DRE-ahItalian
Janessajə-NES-əEnglish (Modern)
Arethousa-Greek Mythology
Evadne-Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Dado (2)-Croatian
Gennadiyagye-NAH-dee-yah, gee-NAH-dee-yahRussian