
household name

A person, thing, or brand that has become widely popular or commonly known. Because it has made reliable and affordable household appliances for over a decade, the company has become a household name. I knew that winning at the Olympics would change my life, but I didn't realize that I would become a household name!
See also: household, name

household word

Something that has become widely popular or commonly known. Due to the widespread adoption of mobile technology, "smartphone" has become a household word.
See also: household, word

*a household name

 and *a household word
Fig. well known by everyone; commonly and widely known. (*Typically: be ~; become ~; make something ~.) I want my invention to become a household word. Some kid named Perry Hodder has become a household name!
See also: household, name

Common Names:

Aleksanderahl-ek-SAHN-der (Polish)Polish, Slovene, Albanian, Estonian, Norwegian, Danish
PavelPAH-vyel (Russian), PAH-veel (Russian)Russian, Czech, Bulgarian, Slovene, Macedonian