

(used before a noun) Having an extremely or inordinately loud or strong voice, as of someone with very robust lungs. Despite her petite frame, the leather-lunged lead singer was able to shake the audience with her soulful outpourings.

lunge at someone or something

to jump or dive at someone or something. The dog lunged at the man, but he got out of the way without getting bitten. The dog lunged at the bicycle.
See also: lunge

lunge for someone or something

to charge or jump at someone or something; to attack someone or something. The mugger lunged for her, but she dodged him. Ted lunged for the door, but Bill beat him to it.
See also: lunge

Common Names:

Opheliao-FEEL-yə (English)English, Literature
Hadad-Near Eastern Mythology
Anjelicaan-JEL-i-kəEnglish (Modern)
Eda (2)-Medieval English