Abbreviation Definition
ASADAAnother Song and Dance Act
ASBCAAtlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act
ASFAAdoption Safe Families Act
ASLAssistant Secretary for Legislation
ASOLAnti Student Organisation Legislation
ASPAAmerican Servicemembers Protection Act
ASRAAmerican Sovereignty Restoration Act
ATCSAAnti terrorism Crime and Security Act
ATLASAutomated Tracking Of Legislative Analysis Service
ATSAAviation and Transportation Security Act
AUWEDAmending Directive to the Use of Work Equipment Directive
AWCAAlaska Workers Compensation Act
AWGBHAlgemene Wet Gelijke Behandeling (Dutch: General Equal Treatment Act)
AWLDAnimal welfare legislation database
AWPAAgricultural Worker Protection Act
BALCABoard of Alien Labor Certification Appeals
BARCBroadcast Audience Research Council
BASISBill Action and Status Inquiry System
BATABiological Agents and Toxins Act
BBORBritish Bill Of Rights

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