Abbreviation Definition
EWWEnglish World Wide
EYLEnglish for Young Learners
EYPEnglish Yellow Pages
FAKEFake Acronyms Kill English
FCEfor Cambridge English
FEBFull English Breakfast
FEBCFirst English Baptist Church (Maryland and Pennsylvania)
FEEPFree English Evening Program
FEMOForeign English Mentorship Organization
FESCUEFall English Studies Conference Uniting Educators
FIECFlorida Intensive English Consortium
FL2Football League Two, a division of the English Football League
FLEFirst Language English
FLEForeign Language English
FLEPFormer Limited English Proficient
FLEPFormerly Limited English Proficient
FOEAFriends of English Avenue
FOKALFinancial Obligation Key of Art & Litracy
FOKALSFinancial Obligation Key of Art & Lifesaving Services
FRLGFire Red and Leaf Green

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