Abbreviation Definition
ADHADaptive Hydraulics
ADLAerially Deposited Lead
ADMACAbu Dhabi Maintenance and Construction
ADRAlternative Dispute Resolution
ADTArticulated Dump Truck
AEAcoustic emission
AECArchitectural, Engineering, and Construction
AECArchitecture Engineering and Construction
AECarchitecture engineering construction
AECarchitecture/ engineering/construction
AECMArchitecture Engineering and Construction Management
AECOArchitectural, Engineering, Construction and Owner
AECOArchitecture Engineering Construction and Owner
AECOMArchitecture Engineering Construction Operations and Management
AESPIArchitectural, Engineering, and related Services Price Index
AESSArchitecturally Exposed Structural Steel
AETAssociate Engineering Technician
AFAdobe Flooring
AFAfter Foundation
AFAgreed Framework

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