Desires are nourished by delays

Desires are nourished by delays.

Prov. The longer you have to wait for something you want, the more eager you will be to get it. The longer I had to postpone my trip to San Francisco, the more eagerly I wanted to go. Desires are nourished by delays.
See also: delay, Desire, nourish

Common Names:

Belshatzzar-Biblical Hebrew
Pontus-Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
OliverAHL-ə-vər (English), AW-lee-ver (German), O-lee-ver (Finnish)English, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Estonian, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Czech
Hamilcarhə-MIL-kahr (English), HAM-il-kahr (English)Ancient Near Eastern (Latinized), History