Nice weather we're having

Nice weather we're having.

1. Lit. Isn't the weather nice? (Sometimes used to start a conversation with a stranger.) Bill: Nice weather we're having. Bob: Yeah. It's great. Mary glanced out the window and said to the lady sitting next to her, "Nice weather we're having."
2. Fig. Isn't this weather bad? (Sarcastic.) Bill: Hi, Tom. Nice weather we're having, huh? Tom: Yeah. Gee, it's hot! Mary: Nice weather we're having! Sally: Sure. Lovely weather for ducks.
See also: have, nice, weather

Common Names:

Sophieso-FEE (French), SO-fee (English), ZO-fee (German)French, English, German, Dutch
Wigburg-Ancient Germanic
Amar (1)-Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali