be over the hump

be over the hump

slang To have endured and surpassed the most difficult or unpleasant part of a task or situation. Primarily heard in US. I had a hard time adjusting to my new job, but I'm over the hump now that it's been a few months. We're finally over the hump with this research. All that's left to do are citations.
See also: hump

be over the hump

  (American informal)
to be past the most difficult or dangerous part of an activity or period of time We're over the hump now. I'm back at work and we've repaid our debts.
See also: hump

Common Names:

Octaviusahk-TAYV-ee-əs (English)Ancient Roman
Kleopatros-Ancient Greek
NepheleNEF-el-ee (English)Greek Mythology