apple does not fall far from the tree

apple does not fall far from the tree

Said when someone is displaying traits or behaving in the same way as his or her relatives (especially parents). Did you hear that Dr. Klein's daughter Molly is majoring in Biology? I guess the apple does not fall far from the tree.
See also: apple, does, fall, far, not, tree

Common Names:

KilieKIE-leeEnglish (Rare)
Aliciaa-LEE-thya (Spanish), a-LEE-sya (Latin American Spanish), ə-LIS-yə (English), ə-LIS-ee-ə (English), ə-LISH-ə (English), ə-LEE-shə (English)Spanish, English
Ovidius-Ancient Roman
Iovita-Ancient Roman
Naseemnah-SEEM (Arabic)Arabic, Urdu