as much

as much

Tantamount to that which has been insinuated, implied, or assumed. It looks like the country is heading for war. The president said as much in his national address last night. I just know Mary is going to break up with me; she implied as much last night.
See also: much

as much

The same or virtually the same. For example, He's resigning? I thought as much means I thought he was doing just that. [Late 1300s] Also see as much as.
See also: much

as much

Almost the same: I thought as much. She said as much.
See also: much

Common Names:

Kristinakris-TEE-nah (German)Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Russian, German, Slovene, Czech, Lithuanian, Serbian, Croatian, Faroese,
Halcyone-Greek Mythology (Latinized)