baker's half dozen

baker's half dozen

Half of a "baker's dozen" (13 rather than 12), thus, 7 rather than 6. The term "baker's dozen" to mean 13 originates from an 11th-century practice in which bakers would include an extra loaf of bread in a dozen so as to avoid facing penalties for selling underweight bread. The seven deadly sins are a baker's half dozen of things one should avoid in order to live a moral life.
See also: dozen, half

Common Names:

EmilE-mil (Swedish), E-meel (German, Polish), e-MEEL (English)Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German, Romanian, Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, Slovene, Serbian, Croatian,
CuauhtÉMoc-Native American, Nahuatl
ValerieVAL-ə-ree (English), VAH-le-ree (German)English, German, Czech
Vaishnavi-Hinduism, Tamil, Indian, Telugu, Marathi
Amelina-Ancient Germanic