barge in(to)

barge in(to)

1. To abruptly and/or rudely interrupt or intrude on someone or something without warning. My bedroom is a private place, you can't just barge in like that! John thought he'd found the door to the restroom, but he accidentally barged into the board meeting instead.
2. To collide with another person or thing. In this usage, "into" is always used. She cut her forehead when she barged into the bookcase. I rounded the corner and nearly barged into Tara.
See also: barge

Common Names:

Stanislavastah-nee-SLAH-vah (Russian)Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian, Slovene, Russian, Medieval Slavic
Berinhard-Ancient Germanic
Angelicaan-JEL-i-kə (English), ahn-JE-lee-kah (Italian)English, Italian, Romanian, Literature
Mabon-Welsh, Welsh Mythology