be at loggerheads

be at loggerheads

To be in conflict. A "logger" is a 16th-century term for a block of wood, so a "loggerhead" is a blockhead or fool. They are at loggerheads over the best way to lead the committee.
See also: loggerhead

be at loggerheads

if two people or groups are at loggerheads, they disagree strongly about something (often + with ) They're constantly at loggerheads with the farmers' union. (sometimes + over ) The Senate and the House are still at loggerheads over the most crucial parts of the bill.
See also: loggerhead

Common Names:

AdrianAY-dree-ən (English), AHD-ryahn (Polish), AH-dree-ahn (German), ah-dree-AHN (Russian)English, Romanian, Polish, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Russian
Veronicavə-RAHN-i-kə (English)English, Italian, Romanian, Late Roman
Kosmas-Ancient Greek