billow out

billow out

1. [for something, such as smoke] to burst and flow outward. At the site of the fire, smoke billowed out. Clouds of ash billowed out of the volcano.
2. [for a sheet of cloth] to fill with the wind. (Especially a ship's sail.) The sail billowed out and we moved forward. Her skirt billowed out when the wind caught it.
See also: out

billow out

1. To surge outward or puff out due to the movement of air: The sails billowed out as the breeze strengthened.
2. To cause something to stretch or puff out: The wind billowed the sails out. The breeze billowed out the sheets that were hung up on the clothesline.
See also: out

Common Names:

KeeleighKEE-leeEnglish (Rare)
Uthyr-Welsh Mythology, Arthurian Romance