bone up

bone up (on something)

to study something thoroughly; to review the facts about something. I have to bone up on the state driving laws because I have to take my driving test tomorrow. I take mine next month, so I'll have to bone up, too.
See also: bone, up

bone up (on something)

to study or improve your understanding of something, esp. for a test The test includes history, math, and languages, so I'll have to bone up on a lot of subjects. With new developments in medicine happening all the time, doctors continually need to bone up.
See also: bone, up

bone up

Study intensely, as in I'll have to bone up on my Spanish if I'm to pass the language requirement. The verb bone alone was used in this sense from the mid-1800s on, up being added later. [Slang; late 1800s]
See also: bone, up

bone up

To improve or hone some skill or ability in preparation for some event: The candidate boned up on foreign policy for the big debate. I wanted a decent grade, so I boned up for the final exam. Before visiting Paris, he boned up on his French.
See also: bone, up

Common Names:

Constantius-Late Roman
Caelinus-Ancient Roman
Omar (2)-Biblical