bring round

bring round

1. To bring (someone) back to consciousness, as after a fainting spell or coma. You were out for about an hour, so I used smelling salts to bring you round.
2. To bring (something or someone) to a certain location, especially where someone lives. Thanks for lending me that book! I'll bring it round next week after I'm finished. I'm bringing Sally round to my parents' house tonight for dinner.
3. To persuade (someone) of one's own view or beliefs. After laying out the facts, I was able to bring them round to my position.
4. To introduce or change a topic of conversation. No one wanted to talk about it, so I had to be the one to bring the conversation round to what we would do with the old house.
See also: bring, round

bring round

See bring around.
See also: bring, round

Common Names:

DarrinDER-in, DAR-inEnglish
HartwigHAHRT-vig (German)German, Ancient Germanic
Nikita (2)-Indian, Marathi, Hindi
Brigida-Italian, Spanish