bursting at the seams

bursting at the seams

extremely full or crowded The courts are bursting at the seams and might not be able to handle more arrests. The city is absolutely bursting at the seams, and one of the biggest complaints people have is the number of cars.
See also: burst, seam

bursting at the seams

containing an unusually large number of people or things My whole family came to stay for the wedding and our house was bursting at the seams.
Etymology: from the idea that if you wear something much too small for you, it is most likely to tear at a seam (place where two pieces of material are sewn together)
See also: burst, seam

Common Names:

Frank (1)FRANGK (English), FRAHNK (German, Dutch), FRAWNK (French)English, German, Dutch, French
Yasin-Arabic, Persian, Urdu
BiffBIFEnglish (Rare)
Bjoern-Swedish, Norwegian, Danish