chew the fat

chew the fat

 and chew the rag
Fig. to chat or gossip. Sit yourself down and let's chew the fat for a while. We were just chewing the rag. Nothing important.
See also: chew, fat

chew the fat

  (British informal) also chew the rag (American informal)
to have a long friendly conversation with someone We spent the evening watching the TV and chewing the fat.
See also: chew, fat

chew the fat

Also, chew the rag. Chat in a friendly, leisurely way, as in Let's get together for coffee and chew the fat, or John and Dave spend hours just chewing the rag. Before the 1880s in Britain, chew the fat meant "to grumble or complain," and chew the rag also has been used in this way. Today both expressions are largely synonyms for a friendly talk or gossip session. Why this idiom uses fat and rag is not known, but some speculate that fat refers to juicy items of gossip and rag to ladies' sewing circles and the cloth they worked on while chatting.
See also: chew, fat

chew the fat

and chew the rag
tv. to chat or gossip. Put your carcass over on the chair, and let’s chew the fat for a while. We chewed the rag for a while and then went out to eat.
See also: chew, fat

Common Names:

Nikol-Czech, Bulgarian
Esma-Turkish, Bosnian