clear up

clear something up

1. to make something more clear. Let the muddy water stand overnight so it will clear up. A strong wind blew in and cleared up the smoke in the air.
2. to explain something; to solve a mystery. I think that we can clear this matter up without calling in the police. First we have to clear up the problem of the missing jewels.
3. to cause a rash or inflammation to return to normal; to cause skin to "clear." There is some new medicine that will clear your rash up.
4. to cure a disease or a medical condition. The doctor will give you something to clear up your congestion.
See also: clear, up

clear up

1. [for the sky] to become more clear or sunny. Suddenly, the sky cleared up. When the sky cleared up, the breeze began to blow.
2. [for something] to become more understandable. At about the middle of the very confusing lecture, things began to clear up. I was having trouble, but things are beginning to clear up.
3. [for a rash or skin condition] to clear the skin and return to normal. I'm sure your rash will clear up soon.
4. [for a minor illness] to improve or become cured. His cold cleared up after a couple of weeks.
See also: clear, up

clear up

1. Clarify, explain, solve, as in Let's try to clear up this misunderstanding. [Late 1600s]
2. Become clear, as in After the storm, it cleared up very quickly. [Early 1600s]
3. Return something to a normal condition, cure, as in This new salve will clear up your rash.
See also: clear, up

clear up

1. To remove obstructions, unwanted objects, or imperfections from something: Could you help me clear up the table after dinner? The allergy medication cleared my sinuses up.
2. To remove some obstructions, unwanted objects, or imperfections: Firefighters quickly cleared up the accident, and traffic returned to normal. When I got poison ivy, the doctor gave me a medicinal cream to clear it up.
3. To become free of obstructions, unwanted objects, or imperfections: My skin has cleared up since I started using that acne medication.
4. To go away; disappear: I hope the traffic clears up before I have to drive home.
5. To clarify something: This article should clear up some of the confusion surrounding my new theory. The origin of the artifact remained a mystery, and we hoped that the professor could clear it up.
6. To become more apparent or easily perceptible: As we discussed the issue, it began to clear up.
7. To become brighter and more pleasant. Used especially of the weather: We can go to the beach if the weather clears up.
See also: clear, up

Common Names:

Xolani-Southern African, Zulu