come up with

come up with someone or something

to find or supply someone or something; to manage to find or improvise something. I came up with a date at the last minute. My mom is always able to come up with some yummy snack for me in the afternoon.
See also: come, up

come up with something

to think of, develop, or find something They've tried to come up with a solution. Over the summer they're hoping to come up with 100,000 volunteers.
Related vocabulary: pony up (something)
See also: come, up

come up with

Produce, supply; also, discover. For example, Henry always comes up with the wrong answer, or We're hoping they come up with a cure in time to help Aunt Alice. [First half of 1900s]
See also: come, up

come up with

To bring forth, discover, or produce: came up with a cure for the disease.
See also: come, up

Common Names:

Bryanna-English (Modern)