cut and paste

cut and paste

1. Lit. to cut something out of paper with scissors and paste it onto something else. The teacher told the little children that it was time to cut and paste, and they all ran to the worktables. Mary made a tiny house by cutting and pasting little strips of paper.
2. Fig. something trivial, simple, or childish. I hate this job. It's nothing but cut and paste. I don't mind doing things that have to be done, but I hate to waste my time on cut and paste.
See also: and, cut, paste

cut and paste

Describing a patched-up job or trivial work. For example, The revision was easy, just cut and paste, or The new assistant had expected some training, but all she got was cut and paste. This term alludes to simple artwork done by small children-cutting out pictures and gluing them to paper. [Mid-1900s]
See also: and, cut, paste

Common Names:

Dania (2)-Arabic
DarienDER-ee-ən, DAR-ee-ənEnglish