death on

death on something

1. . Fig. very harmful; very effective in acting against someone or something. This road is terribly bumpy. It's death on tires. The sergeant is death on lazy soldiers.
2. Fig. accurate or deadly at doing something requiring skill or great effort. John is death on curve balls. He's our best pitcher. The boxing champ is really death on those fast punches.
See also: death, on

death on

Very effective against; also, very fond of. For example, "He is a wonderful fielder and sure death on bunts" (Christy Mathewson, Pitching, 1912), or The boss is death on tardiness, or She's death on the latest fashions. [Slang; early 1800s]
See also: death, on

death on

Opposed to or strict about: Our boss is death on casual dressing.
See also: death, on

Common Names:

Miltiades-Ancient Greek