enter on

enter (up)on something

1. . to come in at a particular point as marked by something. We entered the theater upon the most delicate point of the story. Weenteredon thetail end of a live scene.
2. to begin something. Todd entered upon a new phase of his life. He entered on the management of a new project.
See also: enter, on

enter on

Also, enter upon. Set out, begin, as in We are entering on a new era, or They entered upon the most difficult part of the research. [Early 1600s]
See also: enter, on

enter on

1. To begin or set out on something: With the assassination of the prime minister, the country entered on four years of civil unrest.
2. To begin considering something; take up something: After approving the budget proposal, the committee entered on the problem of raising taxes.
3. To take possession of something: When my uncle passed away, I entered on his estate and began managing the family business.
See also: enter, on

Common Names:

DevanDEV-ənEnglish (Modern)
Ilmatar-Finnish Mythology
Lysistrate-Ancient Greek