get across

get across (something)

to manage to cross something. We finally got across the river where it was very shallow. Where the water was low, it was easy to get across.
See also: across, get

get someone or something across something

 and get someone or something across
to transport someone or something across something. We have to get every one across the bridge before the flood waters rise any more. Let's get the truck across also. It's foolhardy to try to get your car across the desert without a few gallons of water with you.
See also: across, get

get something across

(to someone) Go to put something across (to someone).
See also: across, get

get across something

also get something across
to successfully communicate something As a coach, I have to get across to the players what I want from them.
See also: across, get

get across

1. Also, get it across. Make understandable or clear, as in I tried to get my point across, or He'll have to get it across to the others. [Late 1800s]
2. Also, come across. Be convincing, impress on others, as in How can I get across to the students? or The headmaster's announcement comes across as a criticism of the faculty. [c. 1920] Also see put across.
See also: across, get

get across

1. To cross something; traverse something: How are we going to get across the swamp? The bridge was long, but once we got across, we were treated to a view of the cliffs.
2. To cause someone or something to cross something: The tow truck driver got the stalled car across the bridge.
3. To make something understandable or clear; successfully communicate something: I got my point across by giving lots of examples. You'll get your message across if you speak clearly.
4. get across to To find a way to communicate convincingly: Once the teacher was able to get across to the students, the lessons went very well.
See also: across, get

Common Names:

Quianna-African American (Rare)
Dariusdə-RIE-əs (English), DER-ee-əs (English), DAR-ee-əs (English)English, Lithuanian, Romanian, Biblical, Biblical Latin