get the better of

get the better of you

to control your behavior get the best of you I didn't like what I had heard about this man, but my curiosity got the better of me and I had to meet him.
See also: better, get, of

get the better of somebody

if a feeling gets the better of you, it becomes too strong to control Finally curiosity got the better of her and she opened the letter. Try to remain calm - don't let your anger get the better of you.
See also: better, get, of

get the better of

Also, get the best of; have the better or best of . Become superior to or master someone or something; win out. For example, John's common sense got the better of his pride, and he apologized, or Her older sister was always trying to get the best of her, or He was determined to have the better of his competitors. [c. 1600] Also see get the drop on.
See also: better, get, of

Common Names:

ComfortKUM-fərtEnglish (Rare)
&Thorn;Unor-Anglo-Saxon Mythology