get up on the wrong side of bed

get up on the wrong side of bed

 and get out of the wrong side of bed
Fig. to seem grouchy on a particular day. Did you get out of the wrong side of bed this morning? You are a real grouch.
See also: bed, get, of, on, side, up, wrong

get up on the wrong side of (the) bed

also wake up on the wrong side of (the) bed
to begin the day feeling unhappy and uncomfortable I got up on the wrong side of bed yesterday, and everything that could go wrong did!
Related vocabulary: out of sorts
See also: bed, get, of, on, side, up, wrong

get up on the wrong side of bed

Be in a grouchy, irritable state, as in What's got into Max today? Did he get up on the wrong side of bed? This expression alludes to the ancient superstition that it was bad luck to put one's left foot down first, and was so used in a number of 17th-century plays. By the early 1800s it was associated more with ill humor than misfortune.
See also: bed, get, of, on, side, up, wrong

Common Names:

Hevel-Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Genadi-Bulgarian, Georgian
JaydonJAY-dənEnglish (Modern)