give (something) (one's) all

give (something) (one's) all

To put forth or utilize the utmost of one's energy, effort, time, and/or resources (toward some activity or task). It doesn't matter whether you win the race or not, just go out there and give it your all! I gave this company my all, and now you're telling me I'm fired? Even though she gave her all, her café just wasn't doing enough business to stay open.
See also: all, give

Common Names:

NebojŠA-Serbian, Croatian
NilesNIELZ, NIE-əlzEnglish
Emmanuele-man-WEL (French), i-MAN-yə-wəl (English), i-MAN-yəl (English)Biblical, French, English
Yitzhak-Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew