go the way of all flesh

go the way of all flesh

  (literary or humorous)
to die or become spoiled or damaged Eventually, her uncles went the way of all flesh and she inherited the house. I'm afraid our washing machine has gone the way of all flesh.
See also: all, flesh, of, way

go the way of all flesh

Die, as in Our dog's gone the way of all flesh and I'm not sure we'll get another. This expression is actually a misquotation from the Bible, which has it to go the way of all the earth (I Kings 2:2; Joshua 22:14), also meaning "to die."
See also: all, flesh, of, way

go the way of all flesh

1. To die.
2. To come to an end.
See also: all, flesh, of, way

Common Names:

Deepti-Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada
AmosAY-məs (English)English, Hebrew, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew